When we see someone smiling without any worries, it makes us feel like smiling instantly. No matter what reason that smile may come from but if that smile comes from a good thing, then it's always worth smiling for so please keep smiling for one another.
From my personal thought, this is the phenomena that the blessing souls have been sparkling to the point that we could not control ourselves to stop receiving the good vibes which is kind of rare. It has been said that when you truly feel the connection there will always be a way to face an unforgettable moment of our lives.
In my years of experience from what I have been through, life is not always about materials wealth but most important thing is the true happiness that we found within our self and the person that we have mutual respect and we know that they are the warm light that we can go to when we are in darkness.
This is a blessing to know that we are not fighting the battle alone in our life. The little thing that matters is really giving us hope, motivation, self-appreciation that is potent to our well-being including physical and mental being.
Keep smiling, you have the most beautiful smile.