Back in 2017, I ran on rough roads toward the check point of steep cliff located in South Kuta of Indonesia. There is a mountain by the Indian Ocean right next to me and surrounding is Hindu temple and traditional dancers with ancient statues. The journey is not that convenient as the higher the cliff, the steeper the hill. I took sometimes to rest when I feel tired. But now I can't stop no matter how tired I am, I had to go through the checkpoint right there. It's the point that I choose to reach.
This is the point that can define my own future and nobody would ever know what is going to happen. People that I know started shouting louder, both encouraging and aggravating, I ran hard but it's so far, you know, I'm running with my bare feet and it’s exciting and uneasy at the same time.
Some people have good shoes to wear and run with peace of mind. Some people run barefoot and some will choose to stop running. I am the person who runs without shoes. Sometimes we keep running, but we have no idea where is our final destination.
Many people tell me that it will take a long time to reach the finish line. Someone said I was close to the finish line. Some people say that the finish line is what we define. Some people say that the finish line doesn't exist. The voice of those people does not matter anymore to the point that I learn how to let go in a smooth regard.
I ran very hard, ran until I fell, and everything was hard and painful indeed. I looked at the sea and saw a great expanse of the ocean and a myriad of fish. I couldn't see the other side of the sea and I just looked and said to myself that I had to reach the summit of the cliff. So I picked myself up and started running again, despite the pain. I still have to keep running.
What would you rather do if you see the steep cliff? Are you ready to explore and unravel your curiosity and reaching the peak? Will you continue to fight until the end of your breath or choose to stop running and jump off a cliff?